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Library Trustees

The Board of Library Trustees consists of five members. The members are:

Tina Kriebel, chair ('25),  Laura Hanson, Secretary ('24); Karen Struthers, Treasurer ('24),  Peggy Van Valkenburgh ('26), Chris Mann ('26).
Eric McCall ('24) and Kristen Ramey ('24) serve as alternates.

Bill Taylor is the Select Board Committee Liaison.

Alternate positions are appointed after Town meeting and are annual appointments. The Board of Trustees may appoint up to three alternate trustees. Interested residents should send a letter/email to the attention of the library director (Corinne @ and explain why they want to serve and what skills they bring to the Board

To find out more about the role of the Library Trustee, check out the NH Library Trustee Association Manual here.

The Trustees meet the third Thursday of every month at 5:30 PM, unless otherwise noted on the public bulletin boards of the library and Town House. Meetings are currently held in the Boardroom at the library.

Minutes of the Library Trustee Meetings can be found by clicking 'Library Trustees Minutes' in the blue menu bar to the left. 

If you would like to attend by zoom, please email the library for a link at Library @

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